Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Bobo Diaries Begins...

I've often wondered over the years what kind of a crazy person blogs? A true lover of the written word myself, I've always been a bit old fashioned. I love keeping a journal, a real one bound in some beautiful color, and featuring only crisp unlined fine paper. Why would anyone want to spend more time on a computer than we do already?

Of course that was before I got into developing my new online shop, Bobo Boutique , and before I started digging into the wonderful world of what the HECK is SEO and who is my ideal customer, and how do I get people who AREN'T related to me or hang out with me to check out my stuff on etsy?

I want to make it clear that I don't want this blog to be just about my Etsy shop. There is so much more that I have to say than just stuff about that site. Of course, I'd like to discuss tips that I'm learning along the way to make life easier for fellow online entrepreneurs... it has been a whole world of discovery for me as I start and I think what I learn can be helpful for others.

I'm also a single gal in San Francisco, and I moved out here from the East Coast not too long ago. Although I'm not a stranger to travel and living in new cities, I'd like to discuss a bit my experience in this unique city and little treasure and tribulations that I come along during the everyday.

I love to love life. Sometimes I find myself getting wrapped up in the crazy busy things in life, and stress makes me forget how lucky I am. I'd like to use this blog to not only remind myself but to share the little things with other readers that make me smile, hopefully it will be contagious.

On that note, here is the number one guy that makes me smile, Mr. Bobo himself!

I'm excited about this new endeavor, and I look forward to sharing with you insights into the sweeter things in life, info about crazy adventures, stories from San Francisco, tips about jewelry care and fashion, and of course some sweet stuff about Bobo Boutique and my other fabulous fellow Etsyians!


  1. Bobo is a very cute dog! Congratulations on starting your blog!

  2. Wow! Lovely blog! So happy i inspired you to make one... Im just following your brand new blog via Google, you can do the same in my blog if you want. Kisses and congratulations from Argentina!

  3. Ah~ Thank you so much for the support my Etsy friends!! Trois Pommes Vertes--I didn't realize you were in Belgium until I just found you on twitter just now!One of my favorite places!I even wrote about it above! Paula, thanks again for the inspiration.. haven't been to Argentina yet, but it is a dream :)
